Exercise for Seniors: How to Feel Young Again

You have no control over your age. The good news is you have all the control over HOW YOU FEEL at your age. Staying active as you grow older is the key to feeling young, energetic, and positive about each passing day. There are a few simple steps you can take right now to help you feel better, stay fit, and feel great—and it doesn’t take much effort at all!

Senior Wellness

Whoever said age is just a number hasn’t felt the aches and pains that come with even the simplest of tasks when you’re year tally gets higher. Knee pain, back aches, stiff shoulders—they all make staying active a lot harder than it used to be.

But staying active is the key to looking and feeling great no matter what your age is. Luckily, with some simple exercises, a mildly challenging routine, and some hi-tech equipment, you’ll be on your way to the best anti-aging medicine there is.

The best news? It’s NEVER TOO LATE to get started.

The Best Exercises for Seniors and Older Adults

Many of us think that just because we’ve aged means we get a free pass in taking care of our bodies. After all, who are we trying to impress?

But actually, the opposite is true! When you’re young, your body can handle anything! Now that you're not so spry anymore, you’ve got to take extra good care of yourself.

In general, the best exercises are the ones you enjoy doing and don’t have a problem sticking to. You aren’t trying to win Mr. Universe or Miss America anymore. These exercises generally fall into a few different categories:

  • Cardio: Walking, light jogging, riding a bike, and anything else that gets your heart rate up. Cardio helps strengthen your heart, maintain a healthy weight, and reduce your risk of disease. Start small—a light walk around the block (½ a mile is great) is all you need to get the blood flowing.
  • Weight training: This is a bit more advanced and best done in a class or with a trainer. A simple low weight/high rep workout with free weights will help strengthen your muscles and prevent breaks and aches.
  • Balance exercises: Falling is a senior’s (and their family’s) worst nightmare. Balance training will help you stay upright all day!
  • Stretching: Believe it or not, stretching is pivotal to stay young at heart and healthy. Stretching helps with everything from relieving aches and preventing breaks to maintaining healthy joints. The problem is that as you age it gets more and more difficult to stretch properly. Further below, we’ll cover a new technique that is helping seniors (and many others) stretch out, cure back pain, and maintain healthy joints at any age.

Exercising on the regular provides incredible health benefits and amazing anti-aging effects. The benefits of regular physical activity including stretching are:

  • Healthier weight
  • Improved heart health
  • Healthier blood pressure
  • Stronger bones
  • Reduced risk of cancer
  • A clearer mind

How to Work Out as an Older Adult And How to Use Inversion Therapy to Help

Even if you are 50+, there is no excuse for living a sedentary lifestyle. You still have so much life to live! The more you exercise, the younger you will feel.

Here’s are some recommendations from fitness trainers that have worked closely with older adults and seniors:

  • Be sure to do a light warm-up: 5-10 minutes walking on a treadmill will do.
  • Split your workouts based on muscle groups: For example, one day should be legs and the next should be back and biceps. Make sure to hit every group: biceps, triceps, back, shoulders, legs, core, wrists. It’s all in a week’s work!
  • Rest, rest, rest: Rest is important no matter your age but especially for those 50+. Be sure to rest a full day after a workout to let your muscles recover.
  • Do a short cardio session post workout: 15 minutes on the treadmill after your workout will help you cool down AND lose weight/improve your heart health.

Note: Concentrate on the simple exercises like squats, curls, extensions, etc. Do not attempt challenging lifts unless you’re an expert or with a trainer.

Stretch Before and After Workouts with Inversion Tables

Stretching becomes more difficult as you age, but if you don’t do it, then you risk injury and post-workout pains. At the very least, you’ll decrease the quality of your workout.

The good news is that inversion therapy makes stretching extremely easy and even helps correct issues that cause chronic backaches. A short 1-2 minute session on an inversion table is all you need to cool down from your workout, stretch out your muscles, and decompress your spine.

What is Inversion Therapy?

Inversion therapy decompresses your spine by shifting your body’s gravity. You’re suspended upside down for the duration of the therapy session and this eases the pressure off of your joints and spine.

Inverting your body allows for a new level of stretching that also helps ease aches and pains that are common with aging. Most back pain is due to compressed discs in the spine. By suspending upside down (known as inversion), you are relieving this pressure and training your spine to a “new normal,“ or one where it’s in the proper position.

In terms of exercise, one of the main issues stopping seniors from staying active is all of the pain that comes with moving the body when you’re older. Inversion therapy helps limit this by fully stretching the muscles and spine, improving joint health, and strengthening your core.

Professional athletes, bodybuilders, trainers, and even average joes are now using this therapy to cure a range of conditions, improve workouts, and feel young again. And it’s extremely easy. Just strap your body in, hang upside for 2 minutes, and you are on your way to feeling better.

Just because you’re aging doesn’t mean you have to feel old. Even a simple exercise routine can fight off Father Time and help you feel great again. If the pains of exercising are stopping you from staying active, consider inversion therapy to relieve aches, stretch out your muscles, and help you feel better after every workout. It really works!

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